The article deals with teaching grammar on English for specific purpose classes at those higher
educational institutions that do not have languages as their majors. The author points out that textbooks
in English for specific purposes do not contain any grammar materials or cover just main points paying
little attention to grammar practice. Some of them has grammar references where students can learn
some basic information about grammar structures but there are no practical activities. The article
emphasis that nowadays communicative approach is prevailing so teaching grammar should be based on
it as well. The formation of students’ grammar skills is a burning problem, as it requires an integrated
approach. The author underlines that the communicative goal of learning grammar allows forming
the basic requirement for grammatical material to be mastered: it must be sufficient for the use
of language as a means of communication and real for learning within the program. Grammar skills are
components of different types of speech activity, and therefore they differ depending on the type of speech
communication. Studying grammar helps to systematize students’ knowledge. However, grammatical
rules must be understood, so a communicative principle forms a habit and gradually it becomes
automatic. The author proposes a rough plan how to work with grammar topics based on texts
on ESP classes which consists of the chain of logically and methodically connected activities aimed
at efficient and lasting acquisition of knowledge. The author concludes that such grammatical drillings
will be of great help in ESP classes because it does not only help to introduce a grammar topic and
to revise vocabulary but to motivate students making their conclusions, develop critical thinking, make
them using grammatical and lexical materials together that allows getting fluency and accuracy.