Короткий опис(реферат):
У статті проаналізовано сучасний стан та перспективи розвитку кулінарного туризму в Україні та країнах світу. Проведено аналіз основних категорій туристичної галузі стосовно досліджуваного сектору. Наведено організації міжнародного рівня, які об’єднують стейкхолдерів досліджуваної індустрії та сприяють ефективній діяльності економічних суб’єктів. Здійснено аналіз сучасного стану гастрономічного туризму в світі та в Україні. Розглянуто види гастрономічних турів, які користуються найбільшим попитом в Європі. Наведено приклади гастрономічних івентів, які стимулюватимуть інтерес зовнішніх туристів до нашої країни та регіонів, спрямовані на ознайомлення з історичними, етнічними особливостями туристичних дестинацій через кулінарну культуру. Проаналізовано основні перешкоди розвитку гастрономічного туризму. Визначено перспективні напрями покращення туристичного іміджу країни та активізації туристичних потоків.
Given the extremely high level of availability of natural and socio-economic resources of Ukraine, there is apotential and prospects for the development of gastronomic tourism as a component of tourism. Gastronomic tourism is a type of tourism associated with acquaintance with the production and cooking technology and tasting of national dishes and drinks, as well as with the culinary traditions of the countries and regions of the world. Tours for gourmets, connoisseurs of gourmet dishes from around the world appeared in the last decades of last century, although the first fans of such dishes have been known since ancient times. However, culinary tourism as an independent area of tourism has emerged recently. The goals and methods of gastronomic tourism are fully consistent with the socio-humanitarian mission of tourism as an important factor in the "dialogue of cultures", respect for universal cultural values, tolerance for lifestyle, worldview and traditions, as national cuisine is an integral part of cultural heritage. Such types of recreation as rural green and enogastronomic tourism are increasingly popular today, especially among residents of megacities. One of the promising areas of development in the market of tourist services is enogastronomic tourism. This type of tourism includes acquaintance with original technologies of preparation of dishes and drinks, and also with traditions of their consumption. According to experts, in Ukraine today it is possible to develop several areas of gastronomic tourism: wine, cheese, honey. Hutsulbryndza, Kherson watermelon, Melitopol cherries, Bessarabia and Transcarpathian wines are already applying for the status of products with a geographical indication. As gastrotourism is considered as a tool of territorial development, for its effective application it is necessary to take into account the whole system of value chain elements that should provide a quality contribution to the final product / service: accommodation, culinary activities, intermediaries, agents and consultants, transport infrastructure, cultural historical and natural-recreational resources, business climate, additional types of recreation (events, sports, entertainment), authentic agricultural and other local products. As a service, an enogastronomic tour is not just a trip, but something more. In fact, it is a set of activities, thought out to the smallest detail, for tasting traditional dishes in a certain area, as well as individual ingredients that are not found anywhere else and have a special taste. The main thing in this type of recreation is to enjoy the local cuisine and its unique recipe, which has absorbed the age-old traditions and customs of the inhabitants, their culture of cooking and eating.