The post-industrial era of development of human economic relations, which is
influenced by global challenges and institutional changes, is characterized by a new
institutional and organizational format. This format is intended to strengthen innovative
development and create a global innovation space as a result of the transformation of
the Svit system. In the globalized world of the twenty-FIRST century, the successful
combination of industrial and post-industrial modes of production has already
determined the emergence of a new socio-technological mode of production based on
intellectual innovation and information technology. The experience of South Korea,
Japan, the United States, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Singapore, Finland, Denmark
and France shows that in the institutional aspect of the formation of an innovative
economy is associated with the emergence of a new method of coordinating relations
and interactions, harmonization and coordination of interests based on “firm” rules,
norms and high values of society, which, unfortunately, is characteristic of Ukraine only fragmentally, episodically and selectively. In order to change the situation for the better,
it is necessary to rely on realistic ideas about the lack of effectiveness of existing
development institutions, the prospects of “new” institutions of innovative development,
the behavior of subjects during institutional and structural changes, and the deep
problems of the strategy and tactics of reforms that prevent the formation of the
institutional structure of the national economy of innovative type. Today's realities
clearly demonstrate the need to understand the institutional dimension of the innovation
economy, overcome the existing innovation pauses,” institutional vacuum “and
eliminate the institutional inertia of formal and informal norms. The problem of defining
institutional contours of innovation and institutional palette of national innovative ways
of self-development and identity in innovative world-system has determined the
intensification of studies in this direction.