Перспективним напрямом поліпшення якості продуктів харчування та розширення асортименту овочевих соусів можна вважати використання місцевої сировини, доступної взимку та навесні.
Нами здійснено проробки, щодо можливості використання гарбуза та селери у технологіях соусної продукції. Встановлено, що додавання 15% гарбуза і 5% селери покращує органолептичні показники розробленого соусу. Соус збагачений гарбузовим пюре та пюре з кореня селери має добрі показники і високі смакові властивості, що дає можливість до подальших досліджень та впровадження до серійного виробництва даної продукції.
Expanding the range of healthy foods, in particular the production of foods enriched with food and biologically active ingredients, as well as specialized functional products, which include dietary, therapeutic and therapeutic foods is necessary for the food industry. Researchers strive to maximize the preservation of the natural properties of raw materials and ensure product safety
The use of local raw materials available in winter and spring can be considered a promising way to improve the quality of food and expand the range of vegetable sauces.
The purpose of our study is to improve the recipe of the traditional sauce "Krasnodar" and to study the basic organoleptic properties of the developed sauce enriched with micronutrients of vegetable raw materials.
We have worked out the possibility of using pumpkin and celery in the technology of sauce products. Taking into account the useful properties of pumpkin and celery, which contain a sufficient amount of sugars, pectin and other micronutrients, we in the conditions of the fruit and vegetable plant "Kherson" have chosen options for adding pumpkin and celery in various combinations.
Organoleptic studies have shown that by adding 15% pumpkin puree and 5% celery root puree, the sauce acquires a pronounced mild taste of tomatoes, spices and celery flavor, the color has a pleasant orange hue of red, the sauce has a homogeneous, pasty consistency. spices.
The organoleptic profiles of the developed sauce have a larger surface area than the control sample, which indicates a sufficiently high taste and useful properties due to the addition of vegetable raw materials enriched with vitamins and minerals.
It is established that the sauce enriched with pumpkin puree and celery root puree has good performance and high taste properties, which allows for further research and introduction into serial production of this product.