Короткий опис(реферат):
The purpose of article is determination of features
of social investments, sources and directions of their
implementation in a format of social responsibility and
their justification as its highest manifestation. It was for this
purpose established their forms, endogenous and
exogenous factors of implementation, manifestation as a
part of innovation investment projects, borders of washing
out and integration are established. Problems are revealed
and financing sources of social investments on the
principles of social responsibility are developed. Are
defined their rating, assessment of their level and efficiency
in comparison with the European and world indicators is
performed. It is revealed bias of owners and management of
the enterprises of domestic agribusiness for social
investments and social responsibility. Instruments of its
overcoming are called. Productive mechanisms and the
priority directions of introduction of social investments on
prospect are developed. Methodological bases of a research
are based on use of modern provisions of the economic
theory, business economics of agribusiness, concepts of
innovation investment activities, social responsibility. In
article traditional general scientific and ad latest economic
and sociological hoc methods of researches - historical,
monographic, system structural analysis, statistical and
economic, economic-mathematical, sociological polls are
used. Content, features, forms, factors, problems and the
priority directions of implementation of social investments
as highest manifestation of social responsibility of the
enterprises of agribusiness are determined. Calculation of
their rating, level, efficiency in the European and world
comparisons is performed. Reserves, tools, improvement
mechanisms are reasonable. Results of article can be used in activity of the enterprises of agribusiness,
non-governmental organizations, agricultural
communities, local government authorities and state bodies
of the power at implementation of social investments, social
responsibility. It is expedient to use them in educational and
scientific and educational process of the highest and other
educational institutions. As innovations in financial and
investment ensuring social responsibility dispersion of the
charitable directions, functioning durations is offered to
refuse the endowment mechanism in case of its availability.
But it is expedient to concentrate financial and investment
resources on the solution of one or several priority social