The article discusses the features of professionally oriented teaching of reading for students non-linguistic higher educational institutions. The educational potential of students of agricultural and economic specialties is directly dependent on the knowledge of a foreign language and the ability to receive original information in this language, actively use authentic resources of the Internet and other sources. Extraction of foreign language authentic information is the foundation on which the further professional activity of a specialist will be built. The paper notes that the essence of professionally-oriented teaching of a foreign language at the present stage also lies in its interdisciplinary integration with special disciplines in order to obtain additional professional knowledge and form professionally significant personality traits. This process includes both information retrieval and cognitive-linguistic activities. The expansion of international contacts makes it necessary to pay special attention to students' ability to get acquainted with new information in English, perceive it in detail, summarize and annotate. When compiling training materials and manuals for professionally oriented reading, taking into account the specifics of the language being studied in order to implement a differentiated approach in a non-linguistic university, three models for organizing text materials are proposed: a complex of authentic texts, a complex of didactically processed (semi-authentic) texts, a complex of texts modeled according to the “plateau” type. The article presents typology of professionally oriented reading tasks aimed at meeting the information needs, which is necessary for solving professional and communicative informational problems. Attention is focused on the fact that when choosing texts for professionally oriented reading, one should take into account the capabilities of students, their lexical and grammatical level of knowledge of a foreign language.