Identifies the strategic priorities for the development of tourism in the Kherson region and develops proposals for the realization of the tourist potential of the region during the pandemic in the article. It is established that the development of domestic tourism in the Kherson region during the pandemic requires a number of tasks: ensuring the accessibility of tourist facilities. The goal will be achieved with the introduction of a multilingual marking and navigation system in the Kherson region; organizing and creating route maps for landmarks of history and culture of the region; marking and marking the routes of the hospitality and tourism industry; improving conditions and providing tourist routes with infrastructure for tourists to visit.
The advantages of Kherson region as a territory for active development of the hospitality and tourism industry in the era of the pandemic are highlighted. It is determined that for the active and successful development of the tourism business of the region during the pandemic COVID-19 it is necessary to coordinate and coordinate the implementation of measures by the authorities and economic agents: to improve the quality of tourism services; create conditions for the promotion of the tourist product; extend the tourist season; to promote the development of entrepreneurship, including in rural areas; create conditions for the development of domestic tourism; support for craft production.