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До питання про рибогосподарське використання малих водосховищ Півдня України

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dc.contributor.author Шевченко, Віктор
dc.date.accessioned 2021-12-09T11:45:29Z
dc.date.available 2021-12-09T11:45:29Z
dc.date.issued 2021-05-27
dc.identifier.citation Шевченко В.Ю. До питання про рибогосподарське використання малих водосховищ Півдня України. Аквакультура ХХІ століття – проблеми та перспективи : Міжнародна науково-практична конференція, м. Київ, 27 травня 2021 р. : збірник матеріалів. Київ, 2021. С. 56-59 ru
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/7332
dc.description.abstract There are more than 18,000 reservoirs on the territory of Ukraine, most of which are small. Aquaculture with the cultivation of warm-water fish in ponds and reservoirs has become resource-saving, to exclusively pasture aquaculture. For Yavkinsky and Yelanetsky reservoirs of the Nikolaev area the analysis of production and fish indicators was made by department of Water Bioresources and Aquaculture of the Kherson State Agrarian And Economic University. Research on reservoirs has been conducted periodically, Yavkinsky since 2012, Yelanetsky - since 2013. The hydrochemical regime of reservoirs should be assessed as favorable for hot water fish farming. Indicators of biomass of forage organisms are quite similar and allow to include reservoirs to the group of medium-feed. In the analysis of fishery indicators, the fact of exceeding the total planting density in both farms is noteworthy. Against this background, the significant lag of industrial return from the planned 5-10 times is noteworthy. Also significantly lower than planned indicators of industrial fish products from reservoirs. The data presented for the two reservoirs are very close, which indicates the presence of certain trends in the current process of fishery use of small reservoirs, which occupy a significant place in the general fund of fishery reservoirs in the Southern region of Ukraine. The analysis should be considered in terms of forming a modern concept of fishery use of such reservoirs. ru
dc.language.iso other ru
dc.publisher Київ ru
dc.subject Аквакультура ru
dc.subject малі водосховища ru
dc.subject фізико-хімічний режим ru
dc.subject кормова база ru
dc.title До питання про рибогосподарське використання малих водосховищ Півдня України ru
dc.type Article ru

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