У статті теоретично обґрунтовано необхідність формування комунікативної компетентності
як важливої складової професійної компетентності майбутніх фахівців економічного напряму.
Проаналізовано такі базові складові компетентностей здобувачів вищої освіти: лінгвістична
(мовна), соціолінгвістична, соціокультурна, дискурсивна, стратегічна і соціальна. Зазначено, що
вивчення дисципліни «Українська мова (за професійним спрямуванням)» покликане забезпечити формування загальнокультурної компетентності. Наведено приклади завдань, які сприяють
формуванню умінь працювати з текстами документів, правильно використовувати систему мовних норм і вибирати комунікативну поведінку відповідно до цілей і ситуацією спілкування у межах професійної сфери діяльності.
The article theoretically substantiates the need for the formation of communicative competence as
an important component of professional competence of future specialists in economics. The basic components of modern human competencies are analyzed: linguistic (language), sociolinguistic, sociocultural, discursive, strategic and social. It is noted that the study of the discipline “Ukrainian language (for
professional purposes)” is designed to ensure the formation of general cultural competence. The sociopsychological researches are considered, which prove that modern graduates-economists experience
serious difficulties in the field of professional communication with colleagues and clients, conducting
business correspondence. The ability to keep business records, especially during the distance form of
communication is very important for doing business and maintaining business correspondence. Therefore, the formation of skills to work with the texts of documents is a more important task in training
applicants for economic fields, as the demand for specialists in this field, their competitiveness depends
largely on the availability of literate language (oral and written). For example, the tasks that contribute
to the formation of skills to work with texts, documents, use the system of language norms and choose
communicative behavior in accordance with the goals and situation of communication within the professional sphere. It is noted that the formation of communicative competence should not be said yet, but
shifts in the right direction are taking place. After all, measures, which have been analyzed, will give
positive results, which will increase the level of general professional competence of the future economist, manager, accountant. It is pointed out that the professional orientation of the content of speech
training is realized through the selection of specific language material taking into account the peculiarities of the future profession. The problem of selection and organization of educational material is quite
complex, and approaches to solving this problem are multifaceted. It is emphasized that along with the
traditional forms of teaching professional, business speech, there are different criteria for selection and
organization of educational material, and vocabulary should be selected in accordance with the criterion,
in particular, the one most common in economic communication.