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Methods of evaluation and conceptual-strategic directions of economic security of agricultural enterprises

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dc.contributor.author Yaremko, Yurii
dc.contributor.author Яремко, Юрій
dc.contributor.author Shykova, Liliia
dc.contributor.author Syvolap, Larysa
dc.date.accessioned 2021-10-05T06:42:29Z
dc.date.available 2021-10-05T06:42:29Z
dc.date.issued 2018-01-23
dc.identifier.citation Yaremko, Y., Shykova, L., & Syvolap, L. (2018). METHODS OF EVALUATION AND CONCEPTUAL-STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS OF ECONOMIC SECURITY OF AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRISES. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 4(5), 421-430. https://doi.org/10.30525/2256-0742/2018-4-5-421-430
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/7015
dc.description.abstract The purpose of the paper is to identify an effective method for assessing economic security and to formulate conceptual and strategic directions for raising the level of economic security of agricultural enterprises operating in conditions of instability and uncertainty. Methodology. In the process of research, general scientific and specific research methods were used. In particular, the method of statistical analysis was used in determining the dynamics of the number of agricultural enterprises. The methods of synthesis and analysis were used to identify the negative trends that affect the activities of agricultural enterprises. Using from abstract to specific methods, an algorithm for assessing the level of economic security of agricultural enterprises and the formation stages of the enterprise economic security concept were determined. Results. The article defines the main modern functioning tendencies of agricultural enterprises. It is suggested to use such means as financial, human resources, legal, informational, organizational to ensure the proper level of economic security of agricultural enterprises. The article states that the methodology for assessing the level of economic security consists of two approaches: qualitative and quantitative determination of the level of economic security. The authors systematize the indicators for assessing the level of economic security of the agricultural enterprise. The basic features of the economic security concept of agricultural enterprises are determined. The general strategies of the enterprise are described, which can be used both for agricultural enterprises and for other companies of different branches of the economy, in accordance with the level of economic security. Practical meaning. The article provides materials that give an understanding of the algorithm for assessing the level of economic security of an agricultural enterprise. The authors present the systematization of components and indicators for assessing the level of economic security, which in practice allows the most effective and reliable determination of the level of economic security. The detailed description of the company’s general strategies allows us to identify and implement precisely the strategy that will maximize the level of economic security of the enterprise. Strategic directions improved by authors for the formation of economic security of agricultural enterprises provide the opportunity to identify the necessary tools, with the help of which it is possible to achieve the maximum level of economic security of the enterprise. Value/originality. The paper analyses the methodology of evaluation and conceptual-strategic directions of economic security of agricultural enterprises, which proves the urgency and necessity of the considered issues. The presented results of the research and the propositions on the strategic improvement of the economic security level of agricultural enterprises can improve the efficiency of the enterprises of the agrarian sector. Taking into account the significant contribution of agriculture to the country’s economy, the research allows improving not only the performance of individual enterprises but also the effectiveness of the national economy as a whole. ru
dc.publisher Baltic Journal of Economic Studies ru
dc.subject economic security
dc.subject agricultural enterprise
dc.subject methodology of evaluation
dc.subject concept
dc.subject strategy
dc.subject Кафедра землеустрою, геодезії та кадастру
dc.title Methods of evaluation and conceptual-strategic directions of economic security of agricultural enterprises ru
dc.type Article ru

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