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The sensory indicators as a criterion for the dry complete industrial petfood choosing

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dc.contributor.author Sobol, O. M.
dc.date.accessioned 2021-08-30T19:16:42Z
dc.date.available 2021-08-30T19:16:42Z
dc.date.issued 2021-07
dc.identifier.citation Sobol O. M. The sensory indicators as a criterion for the dry complete industrial petfood choosing. Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science. 2021. № 66. рр.51-55. ru
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/6809
dc.description.abstract The correct feeding - is a major aspect of pet care; therefore, ensuring that pet foods are not only healthful but attractive to companion animals and their owners is essential. The petfood market remains active and requires ongoing evaluation of the adaptation and efficiency of the new products. The attractiveness of a pet food, in particular, is due to its palatability, which is the main criterion that matters in determining the success or failure of pet food on the market. Palatability-foods’ characteristics enticing animals and leading them to consumption - is therefore a key element to look at. Based on the type of information needed, different pet populations (expert or naïve) can be tested to access their preference and acceptance for different food products. The classic methods for examining palatability (petfood attractiveness) are one- and two-bowl tests, but additional approaches are available to gather more information on evaluating of petfood palatability: traditional, operant, and cognitive. ru
dc.publisher Norwegian Academy of Science ru
dc.subject petfood ru
dc.subject palatability ru
dc.subject acceptance ru
dc.subject preference ru
dc.subject dogs ru
dc.subject petfood attractiveness ru
dc.subject one- and two-bowl tests ru
dc.title The sensory indicators as a criterion for the dry complete industrial petfood choosing ru
dc.title.alternative Сенсорные показатели как критерий выбора сухих полнорационных промышленных кормов для животных ru
dc.type Article ru

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