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Overview of possible changes in the species composition of Dnieper-Buh estuary crustacean listed in the Red Book of Ukraine

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dc.contributor.author Korzhov, Ye. I.
dc.date.accessioned 2021-08-04T08:30:12Z
dc.date.available 2021-08-04T08:30:12Z
dc.date.issued 2021-07
dc.identifier.citation Korzhov Ye. I. Overview of possible changes in the species composition of Dnieper-Buh estuary crustacean listed in the Red Book of Ukraine / Ye. I. Korzhov // Modern scientific research: achievements, innovations and development prospects. Proceedings of the 2nd International scientific and practical conference. MDPC Publishing. Berlin, Germany, 2021. – P. 30-35. ru
dc.identifier.isbn 978-3-954753-03-1
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/6788
dc.description.abstract The Dnieper-Buh estuary is the largest water body in the Southof Ukraine, plays an important role in preserving biodiversity, richness of endemicflora and fauna and maintaining the ecological sustainability of the region. Due to itsecotone properties, it is a habitat for a large number of terrestrial, aquatic animals, hasa rich aquatic fauna (mammals, birds, amphibians, etc.). In the conditions of modernclimatic changes and active anthropogenic influence the aquatic environment of theestuaryhasundergoneanumberoftransformationswhichcanleadtoessentialhydroecologicalchanges.Insuchconditions,themostvulnerableareplanktonicorganisms that live in the water column, do not have the ability to actively moveindependently and are sensitive to even small changes in the abiotic environment.Conservation of a small number and rare species of wildlife is a particularly acuteissue when changing environmental parameters. In view of this, the current issue is toassessthestatusofrarespeciesofcrustaceansintheDnieper-Buhestuary,thesubtype of which includes mainly groups of zooplankton and benthos, and possiblechangesintheir composition. ru
dc.publisher MDPC Publishing. Berlin, Germany ru
dc.subject Дніпровсько-Бузький лиман, ракоподібні, екологія ru
dc.subject Dnieper-Buh estuary ru
dc.subject crustacean ru
dc.subject Red Book of Ukraine ru
dc.title Overview of possible changes in the species composition of Dnieper-Buh estuary crustacean listed in the Red Book of Ukraine ru
dc.type Thesis ru

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