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dc.contributor.author Hlavatska, Yuliia
dc.date.accessioned 2021-06-23T08:31:12Z
dc.date.available 2021-06-23T08:31:12Z
dc.date.issued 2021-06
dc.identifier.citation Hlavatska, Yu. THE PECULIARITIES OF ENGLISH PROVERBS AND SAYINGS REPRODUCTION. Проблеми гуманітарних наук: збірник наукових праць Дрогобицького державного педагогічного університету імені Івана Франка. Серія «Філологія».
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/6600
dc.description.abstract The article focuses on the study and description of the peculiarities of reproduction of English texts of a small genre, which include proverbs and sayings. Texts of small genre play a significant role in the accumulation and transmission of collective experience from generation to generation, so they appear as culturally marked texts, because through their prism you can penetrate the way of thinking of the nation and look at the world through the eyes of this culture. The article describes the features and difficulties of reproducing English proverbs and sayings. Among the ways of reproducing English proverbs and sayings there are: phraseological equivalent, phraseological analogue, tracing, descriptive translation, «pseudo-literal» equivalent. When translating English-language paremias into Ukrainian, it is not always possible to convey the meaning and image embodied in the original text; this also applies to lexical and grammatical structures. Due to this, the translator faces certain difficulties in reproducing the national colour, image (its emotional and expressive colouring), etc. The number of difficulties faced by the translator is also closely correlated with the lack of language equivalent in the language of translation, the difference between the emotional colour of the symbol (image) in the two languages being compared, and the dissimilarity in terms of ethnospecificity, as the translator needs to maintain the general national tone, and on the other hand, not to resort to a certain exaggeration. Reproducing English paremias, we must also not forget about the basic rules of lexical means translation: contextual orientation, vocabulary arsenal; adherence to stylistic orientation; use of set phraseological units; the choice of a lexical unit that would most accurately reflect the reality engraved in the original text. ru
dc.language.iso en ru
dc.publisher Дрогобицький державний педагогічнийо університет імені Івана Франка ru
dc.subject saying ru
dc.subject proverb
dc.subject phraseological equivalent
dc.subject phraseological analogue
dc.subject tracing
dc.subject descriptive translation
dc.subject «pseudo-literal» equivalent
dc.subject Кафедра готельно-ресторанного та туристичного бізнесу й іноземних мов
dc.type Article ru

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