In this article, we consider the results of experimental work on the study of the influence of individual technological parameters on the quality of sterlet planting material. The main parameter was the amount of the daily food ration. In the course of the experiment, four variants were formed with the value of the daily feeding ration in the range of 30 – 60% of the fish body weight. The research material was sterlet fry. The formation of the experimental groups was carried out according to the principle of analogous groups and two-fold repetition of the variants. The stocking density of fry was two thousand fry / m2. The main resulting criteria were the survival rate of fry, the achievement of optimal conformation parameters and fish productivity.
The analysis made it possible to note that the value of the daily food ration significantly affects the results of growing sterlet fry in the basins. With the value of the relative volume of the daily ration when feeding fry in 40 – 50% of the body weight, the survival rate, growth rate and the efficiency of using feed for growth increase. The average weight of fry grows by 5.57 – 8.01%, fish productivity – by 18 – 24%. A further increase in the relative volume of the daily ration up to 60% of the body weight in terms of the main fishery indicators does not exceed the above options. The highest indices of the coefficient of mass accumulation by fry were characteristic of the experimental groups, in which the relative volume of the daily ration was 50% of the body weight. The maximum indicators of mass accumulation by sterlet fry for this variant were, depending on the group, 0.52 – 0.61. The efficiency of feed use by fry of other variants was significantly lower, the maximum values of the mass accumulation coefficient ranged from 0.35 to 0.39.
The research results significantly improve the technology of growing Acipenser ruthenus planting material in the conditions of specialized fish farms.