Стаття присвячена аналізу проблеми виробництва плодово-овочевих соків комбінованого складу. Проаналізовано стратегічний напрямом розвитку харчової промисловості в даному випадку ТОВ “Плодоовочевий комбінат “Херсон” (смт Зеленівка Херсонської області). Розглянута така сировина, як гарбуз, морква, яблука, селера та їх харчова цінність. Розроблено технологічну схему виробництва «Сік гарбузово яблучно морквяний з додаванням селери». Зроблено висновок, що така технологія буде відповідати вимогам стандарту, сприяти раціональному використанню та збагаченню організму людини мікронутрієнтами завдяки підвищенню харчової цінності готового продукту.
The article is devoted to the analysis of production problem of fruit and vegetable juices that have combined composition. Today in Ukraine there are almost no canned food based on a combination of fruit and vegetable raw materials in one product. The strategic direction of food industry development in this case - LLC "Fruit and Vegetable Plant" Kherson (Zelenivka town of Kherson region) is analyzed. This company pays great attention to new developments of technological schemes and recipes. After conducting all the necessary laboratory tests, it patents and introduces into production. This company produces such products as "Pumpkin juice", "Carrot juice" and "Apple juice". After carefully reviewing the profitability of these products, the management came to the conclusion that it is necessary to develop together with scientists of the State Higher Educational Institution "Kherson State Agrarian University" a new type of canned food - "Pumpkin apple-carrot juice with celery". Therefore, it was advisable to consider such components of this type of product as pumpkin, carrots, apples, celery. Analyze each type of raw material separately: properties, nutritional and biological value. Thus, to consider the technological processes for each type of raw material and developed a technological scheme for the production of new canned products, which is appropriate because of this product is useful for people with impaired immune systems. It is concluded that such technology will meet the requirements of the standard to promote the rational use and enrichment of the human body with such micronutrients as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, organic acids and other biologically active substances (BAS). Lack of which leads to metabolic disorders, reduced resistance to infections and increased risk of "diseases of civilization". All this can be avoided by increasing the nutritional value of the finished product, as evidenced by the nutrient content of each component of this canned product.