The theoretical approaches in favor of decentralization of power in relation to environmental protection are considered. Taking into account the accumulated experience in definitions of decentralization concepts, it has enabled the definition of decentralization in the field of environmental protection summed up by the author. It would hereby be possible to create a guarantee ensuring that vital environmental services are provided at an acceptable level, and to strength the financial base of the local level in resolving intergovernmental disparities in the field of environmental protection.
There have been analyzed advantages and disadvantages of centralization and decentralization of power in the field of environmental protection, and international experience in this area is considered. It is emphasized that the legal basis of Ukraine's mechanisms of decentralization does not fully correspond to the philosophy of the European Charter of Local Self-Government. The process of decentralization has been studied in order to form optimal proportions of eco-social benefits redistribution in the State.
There is a proposal to introduce a systematic review of regulatory and legal standards for «parsing» rules and responsibilities between different government types and levels.