The paper presents the results of the study devoted to the investigation of sweet corn economic efficiency production in dependence on the crop cultivation technology in the South of Ukraine. We studied the effect of basic plowing depth (20-22, 28-30 cm), mineral fertilization (no fertilizers, N60P60, N120P120), plant population (35,000, 50,000, 65,000, 80,000 plants ha-1) in the irrigated conditions of the Steppe zone on the yield of ears with connection of this index to the economic profitability. It was determined that the highest productivity of the crop (10.93 t ha-1) together with the highest profitability level (244.02%) was provided by the technological complex with plowing on the depth of 20-22 cm, mineral fertilizers application rate N120P120, plant population of 65,000 plants ha-1. We recommend the above-mentioned cultivation complex as a basic one for the farmers of the South of Ukraine due to its high economic rofitability and best out-pay of the expenditures.