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Строки збирання врожаю багаторічних злакових низових трав залежно від формування врожаю

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dc.contributor.author Василенко, Н. Є.
dc.contributor.author Аверчев, О. В.
dc.contributor.author Vasylenko, N. E.
dc.contributor.author Averchev, O. V.
dc.date.accessioned 2020-06-19T14:22:40Z
dc.date.available 2020-06-19T14:22:40Z
dc.date.issued 2018
dc.identifier.citation Василенко Н. Є., Аверчев О. В. Строки збирання врожаю багаторічних злакових низових трав залежно від формування врожаю. Вісник Хмельницького національного університету. Економіка. Хмельницький, 2018, № 6 Том 2. С. 175-181
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/4112
dc.description.abstract The current state of seed production in Ukraine does not meet the needs of production in the necessary assortment of grasses, especially cereals, and the possibilities of pecializing seed cultivation in agroclimatic conditions are poorly considered. The range of varieties of grasses on grassland for different soil and climatic zones is insufficient. First of all this concerns such cereals such as red fescue, meadow and reed fescue, awnless bromegrass, Giant and colonial Bentgrass, bulbous and fowl bluegrass, etc. On the basis of the study of the process of yield formation of cereal seeds (red fescue, slender fescue; colonial Bentgrass), the technique of forecasting its ripeness and the technological rocess of harvesting and post-harvesting preparation of seeds has been improved. This allows increasing the yield of seeds with high sowing qualities, significantly reducing energy and labor costs during harvesting and post-harvesting preparation of seed. According to our research, we recommend to start harvesting cereals in small areas with a seed moisture content of 35 - 30%, where harvesting can be done during one day. And in large areas where threshing cannot be carried out in one day, even with sufficient equipment, harvesting is advisable to start at humidity of 38 - 40%, whereas the bulk of this work is done in the period when the moisture content of the seeds is 32 - 35%. Modern varieties of perennial grasses are characterized by high genetically determined seed productivity. However, the shattering ability and uneven ripening lead to significant losses. Such grasses have increased demands to the process of harvesting seed grass stands. According to scientists, the delay in harvesting cereal seeds for 2-3 days leads to a loss of 30 to 60% of the crop. The aim of our research is to determine the optimal term for the harvesting seeds of short cereal grasses and their postharvest processing. It is set that the highest amount of soluble carbohydrates in cereal seeds is contained at 55% humidity. At the ripening period, changes of the chemical composition of the seeds take place. At the humidity of 45% the content of carbohydrates sharply decreases in 2-4 times depending on the type of grasses. There are differing views on the timing of the harvesting of cereal grasses seed crops. Visual assessment methods do not allow to choose the right time and to harvest seeds without losses, because it is known that most types of cereals have the ability to shattering during the period of milky-waxy and waxy seeds ripening. Therefore, there is a need to develop objective methods for determining the term of harvesting seed grasses. The most accurate and accessible way is determination of the timing of grass seeds harvesting by their humidity. Determination of the term of harvesting of cereal seeds by its moisture content is based on monitoring the moisture content during the process of seed ripening, which is determined by the laboratory method by drying the selected seed samples in a drying cabinet. In this regard, additional research on these issues is relevant and of absolute interest ru
dc.language.iso other ru
dc.publisher Хмельницький національнийо університет ru
dc.subject crop ru
dc.subject culture ru
dc.subject seed production ru
dc.subject economic potential ru
dc.subject Кафедра рослинництва та агроінженерії ru
dc.title Строки збирання врожаю багаторічних злакових низових трав залежно від формування врожаю ru
dc.title.alternative Formation of seed yield of short cereal grasses and it’s sowing qualities depending on the time of its harvest ru
dc.type Article ru

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