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New plant growth stimulant in the technology of cultivating spiked cereals in southern steppe of Ukraine

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dc.contributor.author Markovska, O.Y.
dc.contributor.author Lavrenko, S.O.
dc.contributor.author Kaminska, M.O.
dc.date.accessioned 2020-05-15T08:28:22Z
dc.date.available 2020-05-15T08:28:22Z
dc.date.issued 2015
dc.identifier.citation Markovska O. Y. New plant growth stimulant in the technology of cultivating spiked cereals in southern steppe of Ukraine / O. Y. Markovska, S. O. Lavrenko, M. O. Kaminska. // Зрошуване землеробство. – 2015. – №64. – С. 26–29. ru
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/3307
dc.description.abstract Application of the immune plant growth regulator “MIR”in tank mixture with the herbicides recommended by the '”List of pesticides and agrochemicals permitted for use in Ukraine” at the end of the third stage of organogenesis of winter wheat and barley is a reasonable and economically profitable element of the modern technology of cultivating cereals. The increase of grain yield of wheat equals to 7,1-12,6%, weediness decreases by 91,6-95,8%. ru
dc.language.iso en ru
dc.publisher Зрошуване землеробство ru
dc.subject immune plant growth ru
dc.subject winter wheat ru
dc.subject barley ru
dc.subject yield ru
dc.subject weediness ru
dc.subject Кафедра ботаніки та захисту рослин ru
dc.title New plant growth stimulant in the technology of cultivating spiked cereals in southern steppe of Ukraine ru
dc.type Article ru

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