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Семенная продуктивность и посевные качества овсяницы красной

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dc.contributor.author Василенко, Н. Є.
dc.contributor.author Василенко, Н. Е.
dc.contributor.author Vasylenko, N. E.
dc.date.accessioned 2020-05-13T15:31:47Z
dc.date.available 2020-05-13T15:31:47Z
dc.date.issued 2017
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/3263
dc.description.abstract The data of scientific research aimed at increasing the seed productivity of red fescue by optimizing the conditions of its feeding in critical phases of growth and development are presented in the article. It was found out that foliage application of red fescue by growth regulator “Amino Vicks” (0.5 kg per ha) in combination with carbamide (5 kg per ha) against the background of basic fertilizer (N60P45K45) in stem-extention stage in spring at the beginning of seed sowing aftergrowing enabled the maximum productive stands (681 pcs per square m), the largest number of grains on10 shoots (945 pcs.), the weight of 1000 grains (1.22 g). This led to seed productivity of 480 kg per ha, which is 12 kg per ha higher in comparison with the background of N60 and 164 kg per ha higher in comparison with unfertilized plots. ru
dc.language.iso other ru
dc.publisher ФГБНУ «РосНИИПМ» ru
dc.subject овсяница красная ru
dc.subject удобрения ru
dc.subject водорастворимые удобрения ru
dc.subject семенная продуктивность ru
dc.subject посевные качества ru
dc.subject Кафедра рослинництва та агроінженерії ru
dc.title Семенная продуктивность и посевные качества овсяницы красной ru
dc.title.alternative Seed productivity and sowing quality of red fescue ru
dc.title.alternative Seed productivity and sowing quality of red fescue ru
dc.type Article ru

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