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Рrotection of winter wheat from harmful organisms in crop rotation on irrigation of the south of Ukraine.

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dc.contributor.author Markovska, O.Y.
dc.date.accessioned 2020-04-16T12:44:53Z
dc.date.available 2020-04-16T12:44:53Z
dc.date.issued 2019
dc.identifier.citation Markovska O. Y. Рrotection of winter wheat from harmful organisms in crop rotation on irrigation of the south of Ukraine / O. Y. Markovska // Перспективні напрями та інноваційні досягнення аграрної науки: матеріали Всеукраїнської науково-практичної інтернет-конференції, присвяченої 145-річчю від заснування кафедри ботаніки та захисту рослин, 24 травня 2019 р. - Херсон: ДВНЗ «ХДАУ», 2019. – С. 32–35. ru
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/2463
dc.description.abstract The use of chemical and biological protection had a varying effect on seed yield of the test crop. Here, we got an average of 3.27 t / ha of winter wheat seeds by factor B under traditional fungicidal protection. The application of Gaupsin allowed increasing this indicator by 6.7%, while the combined use of biopreparations Trichodermin and Gaupsin helped to form the maximum seed yield of (3.65 t/ha), which is 6.7-11.6% more than in other variants studied. The application of microelements resulted in an increase in seed productivity of the studied crop from 3.08 t/ha in the control to 3.35-3.82 t/ha on the plots treated with Riverm, Nanovit Micro and Avatar. So, the use of these preparations contributed to a significant increase in seed yield - by 8.7-24.1%. Avatar had an advantage over other micronutrients under study: it allowed obtaining 7.3-14.2% more seeds than under the application of Riverm and Nanovit Micro. Calculations testify that microfertilizers (factor C) had the greatest impact on the seed yield of the investigated crop (58.2%). Varietal composition (factor A) was the second (20.0%). Chemical and biological means of plant protection (factor B) also significantly influenced the productivity of plants (16.1%). The interaction of the factors was low, which could be explained by different reactions of plants to the investigated plant protection agents and microfertilizers; the residual effect of unrecognized factors, mainly weather conditions and differences in cultivation technology elements, was 3.6%. ru
dc.language.iso en ru
dc.publisher ДВНЗ «Херсонський державний аграрний університет» ru
dc.subject захист рослин ru
dc.subject пшениця озима ru
dc.subject шкідливі організми ru
dc.subject зрошення ru
dc.subject plant protection ru
dc.subject winter wheat ru
dc.subject harmful organisms ru
dc.subject Кафедра ботаніки та захисту рослин ru
dc.title Рrotection of winter wheat from harmful organisms in crop rotation on irrigation of the south of Ukraine. ru
dc.type Article ru

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