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Автоматическая система для контроля влажности лёссовых грунтов оснований зданий с целью предотвращения просадочных явлений

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dc.contributor.author Кияновский, А. М.
dc.contributor.author Kyianovskyi, Aleksandr
dc.contributor.author Кияновський, О. М.
dc.date.accessioned 2020-04-01T14:49:56Z
dc.date.available 2020-04-01T14:49:56Z
dc.date.issued 2019-05
dc.identifier.citation Kyianovskyi А. М. Automatic control system for humidity of loess soils of the bases of buildings for the purpose of prevention of deformation phenomena / А. М. Kyianovskyi // Modern Scientific Researches - International periodic scientific journal. - 2019. - Issue №8 Part 1. - P. 33-38 ru
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/1808
dc.description.abstract The strength of loess soils during wetting decreases sharply, therefore the problem of reliable operation of buildings and structures erected on such soils is acute and urgent for a significant part of the territory of Ukraine. During the operation period, the deformations and destruction of buildings and structures built on loess subsidence soils occur most often due to soil soaking by leaks from pipelines transporting water and other liquids. Therefore, it is necessary to have a device for continuous monitoring of the soil moisture of the foundations of buildings, which allows taking the necessary measures in time to prevent dangerous subsidence phenomena. ru
dc.publisher Yolnat PE, Minsk, Belarus ru
dc.subject prevention of subsidence
dc.subject soil moisture control
dc.subject loess soils ru
dc.subject Кафедра фізики та загальноінженерних дисциплін ru
dc.title Автоматическая система для контроля влажности лёссовых грунтов оснований зданий с целью предотвращения просадочных явлений ru
dc.title.alternative Automatic control system for humidity of loess soils of the bases of buildings for the purpose of prevention of deformation phenomena ru
dc.type Article ru

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