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Philosophy of Education: Cosmism in the System of Philosophical Knowledge

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dc.contributor.author Берегова, Галина Дмитрівна
dc.contributor.author Berehova, Halyna
dc.date.accessioned 2020-04-01T10:44:45Z
dc.date.available 2020-04-01T10:44:45Z
dc.identifier.citation Berehova H. Philosophy of Education: Cosmism in the System of Philosophical Knowledge. Filosofija. Sociologija. 2020. T. 31. Nr. 1, p. 43–50
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/1802
dc.description.abstract In this article, the attention is concentrated exactly on cosmism and its variations, and also on its role and place in the system of philosophical knowledge which is proposed to be studied in the establishments of higher education. The questions for discussion about the role and place of cosmism in the content of higher education are put forward: Is it necessary for students to study cosmism? Should this knowledge be given in courses? How should it be given for apprehension? Philosophical knowledge is stated to be used as an instrument to form worldview orientations of the future man being able to secure the survival of civilization and mankind. Firstly, the ideas of cosmism help regard the human being as a component of the Cosmos, determine his role and place in the evolutionary processes of the Universe, discover the influence of cosmic forces upon him and the human civilization. Secondly, the ideas of cosmism in the structure of philosophical knowledge carry out humanistic and cultural functions: they complete building the world picture (as scientific, as universal) in the student’s consciousness.
dc.language.iso en
dc.publisher Lithuanian Academy of Sciences Publishers
dc.subject philosophical knowledge
dc.subject cosmism
dc.subject anthropocosmism
dc.subject noospherism
dc.subject philosophy of education
dc.subject planetary and cosmic worldview
dc.subject Кафедра професійної освіти ru
dc.title Philosophy of Education: Cosmism in the System of Philosophical Knowledge
dc.type Article

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