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Diversification of oil crops in the Southern steppe of Ukraine: adaptation to climate changes and environmental conditions.

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dc.contributor.author Hamayunova V., Khonenko L., Baklanova T.
dc.date.accessioned 2025-03-10T07:14:20Z
dc.date.available 2025-03-10T07:14:20Z
dc.date.issued 2025-02-28
dc.identifier.citation Hamayunova V., Khonenko L., Baklanova T. (2025). Diversification of oil crops in the Southern steppe of Ukraine: adaptation to climate changes and environmental conditions. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 1(3(81), 69–74. https://doi.org/10.15587/2706-5448.2025.323953 ru
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/10556
dc.description.abstract The leading role in the economy of Ukraine’s agro­industrial complex belongs to the production of oilseed crops, which not only provide stable profits for producers but also positively impact the state’s food security as a whole. Oilseed plants, particularly sunflowers, are highly liquid and enjoy stable demand in both domestic and foreign markets, increasing the area cultivated with these crops. How­ever, in recent decades, the most significant growth has been observed in sunflower cultivation, which has led to a deterioration in the phytosanitary condition of fields, water regime issues, soil compaction, drying out, weed infestation, reduced yields of subsequent crops, climate change, and so on. The article analyzes the dynamics of oilseed crop cultivation in the Mykolaiv region from 2013 to 2023. State statistics indicate an increase in the area allocated for oilseed crops from 407.3 thousand hectares in 2013 to 476.2 thousand hectares in 2023. Most sown areas are occupied by sunflowers, whose share fluctuates between 70.1% and 90.1%. At the same time, the area under soybeans has decreased; however, a recovery was observed in 2023. Rapeseed, the second most important crop, shows fluctuations in area, reaching 117.6 thousand hectares in 2023. The yield of oilseed crops varies depending on climatic conditions and cultivation technologies; rapeseed demonstrates stable results (1.77–2.36 tons per hectare). The article also discusses the results of cultivating flaxseed, safflower, and brown mustard. In particular, despite its low yield, flax has growth potential due to its drought resistance and export op­portunities to EU countries. The purchase prices for flax indicate high demand for this niche crop. The article emphasizes the importance of adapting technologies and varieties to ensure stable yields and increase the profitability of oilseed crop production in the region. Thanks to modern cultivation technologies, the yield of oilseed crops has increased from 23.6–28.8% to 51.6%. Introducing new elements will contribute to further yield increases without expanding cultivated areas. This will allow for the redistribution of oilseed crop sowing areas and partially diversify them, ensuring the adaptation of agroecosystems to climate change and the preservation of soil fertility. Addition­ally, the range of quality oils will increase. Research in this direction should continue as new varieties, substances, and fertilizers emerge. ru
dc.language.iso en ru
dc.publisher Technology Audit and Production Reserves ru
dc.subject plants of the oil group, winter rape, oil flax, sunflower, structure of sown areas, elements of technology, varieties and hybrids, productivity. ru
dc.subject рослини олійної групи, озимий ріпак, льон олійний, соняшник, структура посівних площ, елементи технології, сорти та гібриди, урожайність ru
dc.title Diversification of oil crops in the Southern steppe of Ukraine: adaptation to climate changes and environmental conditions. ru
dc.title.alternative Диверсифікація олійних культур у Південному Степу України: адаптація до змін клімату та умов середовища. ru
dc.type Article ru

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