Thus, the application of biopreparations (Ekostern Lite, Ekostern Classic,
Ekostern Bacterial) compared to the control variant without the destructor shows
significantly higher decomposition rates of plant residues. Of the three preparations
studied, Ekostern Bacterial gave the best results (66.8% versus 53.2% in control), with
the difference according to LSD₀₅ (4.8–6.1%, depending on the year) confirming the
statistical reliability of the data.
The correlation-regression model we constructed confirmed a strong relationship
between the decomposition intensity of winter wheat stubble after the application of
decomposers in sunflower crops and the increase in grain yield (according to the
Chaddock scale, the coefficient of determination indicates a very high degree of
correlation). This makes it possible to recommend using decomposers to activate the
decomposition of plant residues, improve the soil nutrient status, and increase the yield
of crops.