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Динаміка вилову водних біоресурсів на півдні України: аналіз, проблеми та перспективи їх вирішення в контексті сталого розвитку

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dc.contributor.author Мельниченко, Софія
dc.contributor.author Богадьорова, Лариса
dc.contributor.author Охременко, Ірина
dc.contributor.author Козичар, Михайло
dc.contributor.author Резнікова, Вероніка
dc.date.accessioned 2024-10-15T16:53:08Z
dc.date.available 2024-10-15T16:53:08Z
dc.date.issued 2024
dc.identifier.citation Melnychenko, S., Bohadorova, L., Okhremenko, I., Kozychar, M., & Reznikova, V. (2024). The dynamics of catching aquatic bioresources in the south of Ukraine: Analysis, challenges and prospects for their solution in the context of sustainable development. Scientific Horizons, 27(8), 158-167. https://doi.org/10.48077/scihor8.2024.158 ru
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/9886
dc.description.abstract Given the significance of fish farming as a promising sector of Ukraine’s agriculture, and the Mykolaiv, Odesa, and Kherson regions are characterised by a significant number of natural and artificial water bodies, the study of aquatic bioresource catching indicators in the south is both important and timely. The research aimed to determine trends in aquatic bioresource catching in southern Ukraine during the period 2018-2023 and to analyse the factors influencing the extraction of aquatic bioresources. This article presents overall catch statistics, as well as catch data for inland waters of the south and aquaculture conditions over the past six years. It has been established that the catch of aquatic biological resources in southern Ukraine has been declining each year from 2018 to 2023. The negative trends in aquatic bioresource catching, both in aquaculture and natural water bodies, are linked to several factors. In particular, the decline in catches has been influenced by: COVID-19; the unstable military and political situation in Ukraine, associated with Russian military aggression; outdated material and technical base of fishing enterprises; lack of government subsidies and foreign investment in the sector; imperfections in the systems of control and regulation of the extraction of aquatic bioresources; and irrational use of the bioproductive potential of water bodies in southern Ukraine. Based on a scientific analysis of the dynamics of aquatic bioresource extraction in southern Ukraine and the identification of key factors contributing to the decline in catches, a set of measures has been developed to positively impact the fishing industry. These measures include: attracting foreign investment in fish farming; improving the quality of monitoring, regulation, and control over aquatic bioresource catching at local, regional, and state levels; restoring critical fish farming infrastructure damaged by Russian aggression; ensuring sustainable fisheries management; and introducing EU best practices into Ukrainian fish farming. The scientific results obtained from this research can be used in practice to ensure the sustainable development of fisheries in southern Ukraine ru
dc.language.iso other ru
dc.publisher Поліський національний університет ru
dc.subject water bodies; fisheries; sustainable fisheries; aquaculture; inland waters; rational use ru
dc.title Динаміка вилову водних біоресурсів на півдні України: аналіз, проблеми та перспективи їх вирішення в контексті сталого розвитку ru
dc.title.alternative The dynamics of catching aquatic bioresources in the south of Ukraine: Analysis, challenges and prospects for their solution in the context of sustainable development ru
dc.type Article ru

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