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Evaluation of the effectiveness of introduction of elements of innovative technologies at stocking of the transformed reservoirs by viable juvenile fish on physiological and ecological indicators

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dc.contributor.author Honcharova, Olena
dc.contributor.author Korzhov, Yevhen Ivanovich
dc.contributor.author Kutishchev, Pavlo
dc.date.accessioned 2022-05-12T06:15:14Z
dc.date.available 2022-05-12T06:15:14Z
dc.date.issued 2022-05-13
dc.identifier.citation Honcharova O. V. Evaluation of the effectiveness of introduction of elements of innovative technologies at stocking of the transformed reservoirs by viable juvenile fish on physiological and ecological indicators / Development trends of the world agriculture in the XXIst century: the view of the modern scientific community: Scientific monograph. // O. V. Averchev, O. V. Honcharova, Ye. I. Korzhov, P. S. Kutishchev, etc. – Riga, Latvia: «Baltija Publishing», 2022. – Р. 110-131. ru
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/7947
dc.description.abstract The program of fisheries development provides for the rational use of inland waters, replenishment of ichthyofauna, which necessitates full-scale stocking of viable juvenile fish. Abiotic factors in aquatic ecosystems for ichthyofauna are one of the determining factors under the influence of which the efficiency of stocking is formed. Intensification measures provide for an effective combination of parameters of aquatic organisms and the environment, taking into account the mechanisms of adaptive-compensatory processes. Given the scale of one of the main issues for fisheries – improving the quality of fish stocking material for stocking, it remains important to find and optimize technologies for raising young fish. ru
dc.language.iso en ru
dc.publisher Riga, Latvia: «Baltija Publishing» ru
dc.title Evaluation of the effectiveness of introduction of elements of innovative technologies at stocking of the transformed reservoirs by viable juvenile fish on physiological and ecological indicators ru
dc.title.alternative Evaluation of the effectiveness of introduction of elements of innovative technologies at stocking of the transformed reservoirs by viable juvenile fish on physiological and ecological indicators ru
dc.type Book chapter ru

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