dc.identifier.citation |
Shalar Oleh. Intellectual abilities high-end handball players of different playing roles [Artykul] / Yevgeniy Strykalenko, Ihor Zhosan, Oleh Shalar // Фізичне виховання, спорт і культура здоров’я у сучасному суспільстві: зб. Наук. праць Східноєвроп. Нац. Ун-ту ім. Лесі Українки / уклад. А.В. Цьось, С.Я. Індика. – Луцьк: Східноєвроп. Нац. Ун-т ім. Лесі Українки, 2017. - №4(40). – С. 128-133 |
ru |
dc.description.abstract |
The article presents the results of the study of the intellectual abilities of high-end handball players of various
gaming roles. It was revealed that the playing players of the Dniproanka team (Kherson) had a high level of intellectual
potential (113,3 points), goalkeepers – a level lower (80,3 points). The level of intellectual potential of players in other
game roles did not differ significantly and was on average 107 points. By the same method, the goalkeepers of Lviv's
Galichanka (98,5 points) scored less points, linear players showed a score of 110,5 points. The intellectual potential of
the welterweight, angular and playing players was high and averaged 120,2 points. It is established that the angular
players of handball team «Dniproanka» had the highest IQ (according to Eysenck's method) among players of other
gaming roles, which was 108,4 points. In the team «Galichanka» the best ratio among the playing players (114 points),
in contrast to them at the goalkeepers, he was 103,5 points. Players of other game roles on average scored 107,5 points.
The higher level of intellectual abilities of playing players in both teams can be explained by the peculiarities of the
playing role, which are the «conductors» of the game |
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