The active phase of the fourth industrial revolution, the integration
of agricultural enterprises into the global competitive environment
requires the formation of new strategic approaches to managing their economic development and production and marketing activities. The
managerial decision-making time, the economic feasibility of such
decisions, adaptability to the conditions of the operating environment directly affect the competitive status of the entity in the market. The activities of agricultural establishments are gaining new productiveeconomic essence and requiring all participants in economic relations to be prepared for transformations, maximize adaptation to variability and resilience to global challenges. In such circumstances, the need to formulate a new paradigm for ensuring a competitive development of agrarian enterprise, aimed not only at activating innovative vectors, but also at creating a balanced model of their economic development, becomes essential. This business model should stimulate and provide increase of production capacities, diversification of production, search for the newest forms of organizational and economic alternatives and the
newest approaches to the formation of economic mechanisms, including marketing ones.